Your Anger Review
- Anger is an emotion responding to an underlying existing emotion or feeling.
- Anger is a secondary emotion.
- Be mindful, an anger trigger is anything that makes you upset, bothered, unsettled, or mad.
- Become familiar with your anger cues the physical indicator that your emotions are escalating.
- Your (Safety Plan) will help you feel secure when your feelings and/or emotions are escalating. (Written Plan of Action)
- Calming techniques such as prayer, self-talk, breathing exercise, walking away and pleasant imagery will assist with deflating and preventing anger and aggression.
- Peer pressure, family, music, your environment, and social media (Instagram) are social influences that can affect your behavior. Remember S.O.D.A.S. when dealing with social influences and problem-solving –
Situation Options Disadvantages Advantages Solution
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
~ Wayne Dyer
- Being socially responsible is selecting your peers wisely. You can tell the sign of a good friend by looking at the positive actions they take big and small.
“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
~ Karen Ravn
- Remember: If nothing changes then nothing changes.
- Negative Behavior comes from negative thoughts. Think positive, and optimistic.
- Optimism is when you view things in a positive manner.
- Being calm increases the ability to listen better, speak more clearly and create a non-threatening atmosphere.
- Avoid high-risk choices such as using or selling drugs, stealing, hanging with the wrong crowds, etc.
- Addiction is to become dependent on something – such as drugs or gambling
- What we put in us is what comes out of us. What we FEED will Grow and what we STARVE will DIE.
- Remember to relax and meditate with breathing exercises. Start each day afresh; with an open mind and a positive agenda.
- Risk being the best you and remember (every Action has a Reaction), choose your actions wisely.
- Domestic Violence: aggressive violent behavior within a relationship: i.e. home
- Honesty is to be truthful while Integrity is to hold sound to a standard and being honest.
- Good morals are to care about what’s wrong or right, ethics.
- You can’t do wrong right and you can’t do right wrong.
- Ethics is to have right or good behavior.
- Obedience is to follow the rules, the law, and directives.
Ownership is to be truthful and responsible for your actions.
Responsibility means to be accountable.
Avoid Harmful Behaviors – Physical Abuse, Property Abuse, Substance Abuse, Trust Abuse and Sexual Abuse.
A Better Way – Social Responsibility Therapy