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You Said It

What’s Happening

Are you ready to receive your $25.00 VISA gift card? Well, here’s how you can get it. It’s simple. Two months after you have completed the program, contact us to re-take the Post-test. Remember, there’s no failing. We just want to see what you remembered and if you are using the tools. You can do this every two months.

Want a new wrist band?  Cool! You can come up with your own saying and get a $50.00 gift card if your saying/quote is selected. Yes, this is a contest.  Even if you don’t win the grand prize, you will receive something.  No one walks away empty handed. We had two winners in January, 2023.  Deadline for this contest is: August 25th, 2023. Share your quote with your facilitator to enter the contest.

We have new tee-shirts! If you have not received your new PURPLE tee-shirt, call us. We will mail you a tee! 215-854-7057

Mr. Colin
“Nobody is built like you.
You design yourself.” 
– Jay Z