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A Better Way – Checklist for Basic Life Skills

By age 15, you should know:

Hygiene/Self Care

☐ Personal Grooming

10 Feminine Hygiene Tips You NEED to Know – YouTube

Men’s Grooming and Hygiene Tips – YouTube
☐ How to shave

Household Responsibilities

☐ How to do Laundry

CYW Practice- Teaching Basic Laundry Skills – Bing video

☐ Household chores

☐ How to clean the bathroom

☐ How to clean your bedroom

☐ How to clean the kitchen

Food and Nutrition

☐ How to Meal Prep

☐ Know the Basic Food Groups

☐ Cooking

(Basic recipes you can prepare)


☐ How to identify Intimate Partner Abuse

Intimate Partner Violence – YouTube

☐ How to identify Substance Abuse

How Addiction Happens – YouTube

☐ How to deal with family addiction


☐ Etiquette

Teach Your Teen Etiquette – YouTube

☐ Proper fitting undergarments – knowledge

☐ How to tell time (Analog clock-clock with moving hands)

☐ How to open a bank account

☐ How to access public transportation

☐ How to obtain working papers

☐ How to obtain a Library Card

☐ How to obtain Learning Permit

☐ How to sign your name (Signature)

☐ How to order take out

☐ How to respond to police

☐ Know who to call when there’s an emergency

What else should be added to this list?  Let us know!

By the age, 18 you should know:

Financial Literacy

☐ How to open a bank account

Basic Banking: Opening a Bank Account – YouTube

☐ How to get 1st credit card

☐ How to get a secured credit card

☐ How to dispute items off credit report

☐ How to build your credit

Credit Cards 101 (Credit Card Basics 1/3) – YouTube

☐ Budgeting


☐ Have High school diploma/GED

☐ How to apply to College/Trade School

☐ How to apply for Financial Aid

☐ How to enroll in the Military 

Job Preparation

☐ How to write a Resume/Cover Letter

Building a Resume and Cover Letter – YouTube

☐ How to dress for an interview

How to Dress for an Interview for Teens: Business Style Etiquette – YouTube

☐ How to get organized

First Time for Everything

☐ How to choose your 1st apartment

10 Tips for Moving Into Your First Apartment | Budget Spreadsheet | Living La Vida Lola – YouTube

☐ How to grocery shop

☐ How to Meal Prep

☐ How to cook basic 3 course meal

☐ 1st Car

How To Buy A Car in Full as a Teen 2020 – YouTube

☐ Basic Car Repairs


☐ Substance Abuse Awareness

Understand Illegal/Prescription/Over the counter drugs

Vital Documents

☐ How to obtain Birth Certificate/Social Security Card

☐ How to obtain P.A. Identification

☐ How to obtain P.A. Driver’s License

☐ How to register to vote

How to vote this year in Pennsylvania – YouTube

☐ How to vote at the polling sites

How to – New Voting Machines – YouTube


☐ How to manage stress

☐ How to make a doctor/dentist appointment

☐ How to maintain a healthy diet

☐ How to File Income Taxes

Miss Jenay
“The things you practice now become habits later.”