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It’s All About You Corner!

Greetings my young Kings and Queens,

First things first.  Why are we addressing you as Kings and Queens?  Well, that’s how we see you. In time, we hope that’s how you will see yourself.

Welcome to the A Better Way website.  This is your site.  On this site, it’s all about you.  Why is it all about you?  Because you deserve it.  You deserve the very best of everything that life has to offer.

A Better Way started in 1999. Yes, the program started before you were born.  But don’t let the old age of the program make you think it’s not current or up to date.  We rely on you to keep it fresh.  Over the years, your input has always been an essential part of our growth.  The primary goal of A Better Way is to teach you skills to be socially responsible and use non-violent techniques to problem solve.

“A dear friend told me years ago that I couldn’t save the world.  I agreed.  I shared that I wasn’t trying to save the world; only the teenagers.  I’m here for each of you.  Know that!”

Read on for more information!

To keep the program current and effective, we teach from an Evidence-Based Curriculum developed by the Anger Management Institute.  So, what does that mean?  It means the curriculum we use has been proven to help teenagers, just like yourself, manage their emotions; mainly anger.  To make our program more effective, we’ve sprinkled in a few other ingredients.  These ingredients include Social Responsibility Therapy (S.R.T.) and teachings on Trauma, Grief and Loss. 

Read a little more for a great example!

Imagine our program as a delicious cake.  In order to have a yummy cake, you need special ingredients, right?  You just can’t eat the plain cake flour.  Well, think of our basic program as the cake flour.  In order to make a delicious cake, you need butter.  Let’s imagine Social Responsibility Therapy as the butter.  This cake mix isn’t done yet.  In order to have a delicious cake, you still need ingredients other than cake flour and butter.  How about we add some cake sugar to the mix. Let’s call our cake sugar Trauma information. Do you know what else we would need to make our cake delicious?  We need eggs and vanilla.  Let’s imagine that Grief and Loss teachings are our eggs and vanilla.  With all these ingredients combined, we can bake a delicious cake.  Do you know what would make this cake more delicious, the icing; and that’s you! Make today a powerful day!  You are in control of your emotions.

Did you know that the process of baking a cake is more than having a treat to eat? 

Baking a cake teaches essential life skills.   These life skills include:

If you decide, here’s a basic pound cake recipe to try.  Do you have a recipe you want to share?  We’d love to try it

3 Sticks of soft butter
6 Eggs – add one at a time
2 Cups of cake flour
1 Box 10x sugar
3 Teaspoon of vanilla
Mix well
Bake 1 hour - 325 degrees